Kamis, 20 September 2007

LQ45 Januari-Desember 2005 where should I search it?

pusying..dunno where to search the list of the company which is listing as the LQ45 index 2005 period, nyari di gak ada..adanya taun 2006, hwaaaaa...akhirnya sebagai pelampiasan atas kesetressan ini...
Well it quite "ampuh"
so...MENU OF THE DAY is LASAGNA made by myself...delicious...gak sabar untuk buka puasa nih..hehehe..
Kemaren pergi sama dian ke UNPAR, alhamdulillah dapet beberapa jurnal lagi disana, meski harus jalan di siang yang amat sangat menyengat panasnya...
Trus..kmarennya lagi ke kampus, liat OPEN HOUSEnya ISEG..sepi..

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Akibat diusir dari perpus..karena udah jam 3 KURANG...helloooww..masih jam setengah 3 kok udah diusir sih, Pak Penjaga Penjaga Perpus?
Jadilah kami MENGGELANDANG di depan pintu perpus........

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Sepanjang jalan menuju OPEN HOUSE...

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Gadis Penjaga Stan...

Rabu, 12 September 2007


I've forgot to tell you that last monday I met my pembimbing, Pak Marno, sempet stres gitu sebelum ketemu bapaknya. He come late about 10.10. Sebenernya dia baek banget dan SENENG BACA, that's my problem...pas ditanya bab 1 nya dia bilang alasannya belum kuat ni..mesti cari referensi lagi, trus klo bisa alasan kenapa ngambil industri tersebut juga harus sesuai sama tujuan penelitian.Sebenrnya dia bisa aja ngelolosin sampel yang kuambil, tapi..katanya lebih bagus lagi kalo ada alasan kuat..jadilah pagi ini aku menghadapi komputer lagi, mencari-cari industri apa yang kira-kira bisa dipake dan dengan alasan yang kuat, mana tampaknya ada virus yang mau masuk ke komputer gitu..nyebelin banget deh..tiap buka page pasti nge-link nya ke situs cina itu, duuuh sumpah pusing...mana dimarahin ama mama lagi, kapan selesainya kalo anti-ganti terus, bla..bla..bla... Dan yang gak enaknya kan udah kepedean bawa bab3 tu, eh pas ditanya bapaknya gak bisa jawab apa-apa, nge-blank banget..suasananya jadi gak enak, si bapak keliatan gak seneng sama orang yang gak suka baca, hiii...serem banget...yasud lah..harus mencari-cari alasan yang kuat lagi ni....

harus beres Oktober ini..ayoooo..SMANGAT....!

Random picture

Waktu mau berangkat ke subang, pas acara KAMUS'03, waduh lupa ada yang mau bayar iuran...????

Ini pas di curugnya..

Selasa, 11 September 2007

Tes User...

Yesterday I went to Jakarta with Yuli, being a bagpacker...(Whaaaa...)
of course NO... being homeless pastinya..hehehe gak deng..cuman numpang tidur di kosannya semalam..coz today I had user interview in E&Y
I woke up at 5, prayed, then slept again until 6 o'clock. Yuli watching TV while I try to read the kieso book..Then I asked the audit procedure of all of the cycle to her . Then we went to eat at 7. We were walking along the street and found nasi uduk and soto in the market which is near to Slipi Jaya. We ate at her "kosan" and suddenly we realized it is almost 8 o'clock, lantas mandilah.. Emang dasar si Yuli parah, mau aja nemenin orang yang di-interview jam 10, tapi emang dia biasa dateng ke kantor jam sgitu sih katanya, wooooops parah banget. Hari ini sih katanya si bos lagi wawancara di surabaya makanya bisa dateng siangan.

Naik jembatan penyebrangan yang bikin gempor, trus naik taksi ke BEJ. We arrived at 9.30..Yuli made ovi and ine to meet me, halaah dasar bikin ribut aja di ruang receptionist, then i had to wait until Pak Pria came and interviewing was sooooooo boring, made me soooooooo nervous. Then the recepcionists said that Pak Pria tidak bisa dihubungi, and they decided to made another manager (??) interviewing me. The receptionist and I went to 6th floor, and he said that I have to wait for the one who will interviewing me. I 'd been waiting for fifteen minutes when I realized there's a girl entering the room. She said that her name is Siska, well lucky me.....I had no confidence to answer the intermediate accounting's questions, just looks like a stupid girl...That's so bad..
fortunately I answered the audit's questions confidently..ahhh entahlah..Mbak Siska sempet nanya kapan bisa masuk, dan dia cerita kalo mereka lagi butuh banyak orang bulan November ini, but I couldn't..I have to finished my thesis (skripsi)....!!! Makanya kekeuh ni..kalopun diterima mau masuknya bulan Desember aja deh...

Pas udahan..ketemu lagi ma Yuli di ruang receptionist, dan dia bilang "haaah, mel, kamu diwawancara sama mbak siska yang j*t** itu????"
Yap, jawabku...
Trus yuli bilang klo dya emo banget...kalo marah bisa bikin orang lain nagis, dan kalo lagi marah, suaranya kedengeran satu lantai, waduuuhhh keliatannya gak gitu-gitu banget deh..ahhh tapi entahlah..

Selesai wawancara makan lagi deh..trus baru pulang ke Bandung. Kampus bersih banget, katanya SBY besok mau dateng...

Sabtu, 08 September 2007


Dizzy saturday...I need abt 5 hours making 5 questions in intermediate...
Buat yang ngepply asisten audit, siap-siap bawa obat sakit kepala ya...bikin soalnya aja 5 jam, gimana ngerjainnya..hwahahaha.. Bocoran nih...most of them conceptual questions..kebanyakan nanyain accounting treatment-nya seperti apa..tiap satu bab ada 1 aja baca seluruh bab yachhhhh...

Buat panitia ISEG REUNION, I'm sooooo sorry..banyak deadline euy
ku tak bisa datang..smoga sukses lah acaranya..percaya kok sama panitianya.....

Jumat, 07 September 2007

Doing nothing in Campus..


I've decided to the library n tried to find the Durbin-Watson table for my thesis (skripsi..) last thursday

BUT... i found dian in front of the RKM smiling at me then i thought she told iwan to shout me out..THEN...i turned my face to them again..i stopped my step (imagine this in a slow motion way, ok???)

YAP...and it's time for chit chat...

talking about the ISEG reunion which is cost 60.000 rupiah, expensive haaah?? one can forced me to the reunion bcoz i don't have money...yap totally broke...

Then..i realized that the three of us wear the red shirt, so we made iwan to took our picture, here we are..The Three Red Girls...

I was waiting for talen when shen suddenly coming up..and then prayed i with dian, and then ely sms me that she was eating with ella, so i joined them....and when i finished it was 13.30 so...i must pick my sist up...arrrgghhhh...!!


I haven't finished my job yet...make 10 multiple choices question about intermediate 2, confusing hahh? Talen make us to finish our job TOMORROW..ehmmm..what time is it?

Whuaaaaatttt???? 21.30???

I have to go now....or..she will be angry (hmmm..well, i don't think she will be angry to us)